List of implementations
- Search
- binary search
- linear search
- jump search
- ternary search
- interpolation search
- best first search
- exponential search
- sublist search
- fibonacci search
- Sort
- bubble sort
- bogo sort
- bitonic sort
- insertion sort
- quick sort
- merge sort
- heap sort
- selection sort
- counting sort
- radix sort
- shell sort
- shaker sort
- comb sort
- bucket sort
- cycle sort
- Math
- towers of hanoi
- Sieve of Eratosthenes
- armstrong number
- euclid’s gcd
- prime sieve
- strong number
- factorial
- fibonacci sequence
- sum of digits
- fast exponentiation
- add binary numbers
- interval bisection
- Chinese remainder theorem
- Cryptography
- caesar cipher
- substitution cipher
- vigenere cipher
- Greedy
- dijkstra’s algorithm
- huffman coding
- kruskal’s algorithm
- prim’s algorithm
- job sequencing problem
- Graphs
- bellman ford algorithm
- cycle directed graph
- cycle undirected graph
- graph coloring
- longest path directed acyclic graph
- travelling salesman mst
- breadth-first-search
- depth-first-search
- topological sorting
- dijkstra
- Dynamic Programming
- minimum cost path
- floyd Warshall algorithm
- longest common subsequence
- longest increasing subsequence
- longest palindromic subsequence
- maximum subarray problem
- rod cutting
- subset sum
- Data structures
- disjoint set union
- graphs
- heap
- linked list
- avl tree
- heap
- dictionary
- queue
- stack
- hash table
- binary search tree
- red and black tree
- segment tree
- sqrt decomposition
- Backtracking
- sudoku
- n queens
- rat in a maze